
Be Yourself

Why Dogs Live Less Than Humans

A Dog’s Purpose…Here’s the surprising answer of a 6 year old child. “Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker…

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Reading People Like You Have ESP

In her book, “How to Talk to Anyone,” Leil Lowndes reveals communication tricks that you can apply everyday to help you reach higher levels of ‘success’ in your relationships. Here’s one of my favorites… Reading People Like You Have Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) Hans, a very clever horse, inspires this technique. Hans was owned by Herr von Osten, a Berliner,…

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92 Little Tricks for BIG Success in Relationships

Have you ever met those “successful” people, who always seem to have
everything work their way? It’s like they have a bag of tricks, the Midas touch
or some special magic that works overtime they want it to. They are so
well-liked by others and have the ability to turn friendships into very
meaningful relationships, difficult client into profitable partnership,
customers into closed deals, jobs into promotions, and so on.

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Getting Lost in Thought

Do you ever sit in a room alone and think? Great people think deeply. And they do it often. In a routine… Blaise Pascal, the famous mathematician says, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”
Ponder that for a few minutes.
What if Pascal is right and that is truly the solution to the problems of civilization and the problems of your life?

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Caged, Comfortable, or Charged – Which is YOUR Life?

Brendon Burchard, author of “The Charge,” believes there are three kinds of life: caged, comfortable or charged. Depending on where we are along this spectrum of our lives, we’re going to have a different quality of life. If we’re on one side of the spectrum, we’re often miserable and suffering, struggling and upset all the time. Whereas, if we’re on the other side, we’re fully engaged, energized and enthusiastic. Knowing where we are on this spectrum can completely change our lives, because we can make a decision about what type of life we want to live.

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Love in Retrospect

There are certain people you love who do something else for your life; they define how you classify what love is supposed to feel like. These are the most important people in your life, and you’ll meet maybe four or five of these people over the span of 80 years.
But there’s still one more tier in all of this; there is always one person you love who becomes that definition. It usually happens retrospectively, but it happens eventually.

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Religion & Happiness

Each individual must identify the type of happiness most important to him as well as the capacity of his own mental constitution to experience happiness. Religion reduces these variables by dictating a simple path to happiness. It thereby spares the masses of their individual neuroses.

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The Miracle of Language

Language is a miracle of the natural world because it allows us to exchange an unlimited number of ideas using a finite set of mental tools. Those mental tools comprise a large lexicon of memorized words and a powerful mental grammar that can combine them.

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Why We Do What We Do

Tony Robbins, author of Unlimited Power, Unleash the Power Within, and Awaken the Giant Within, postulates that there are six needs that drive us, as humans, to do the things that we do. 1. Certainty Everyone needs certainty that they can avoid pain and at least be comfortable. Now, how do you get it? Control everybody?…

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The Importance of Being Awe-Struck

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead…” – Albert Einstein Eminent psychologist Nicholas Humphrey has written of the biological advantage of being awe-struck. How fortuitous, he says, for a species to find its own ability to contemplate, to marvel at its own existence has…

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