
Planning and Executing Successful Code Releases

Releasing new software or updates is a critical process that requires careful planning, coordination, and execution. A well-structured release process ensures stability, minimizes risks, and improves the overall experience for both internal teams and end users. Let’s dive in on how tech teams can effectively plan and execute their code releases. 1. Establish a Clear…

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Conducting Customer Discovery Process for New Features

As product managers, we are responsible for building features that meet real customer needs. However, designing effective features requires a deep understanding of the customer’s problem—an understanding that we gain through a process known as customer discovery. The customer discovery process enables product teams to validate ideas, explore customer needs, and create features that deliver…

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Vanity Metrics vs. Real Metrics: Understanding Growth and Success in Product Management

In the world of product management, data-informed decision-making is key to ensuring the success of a product or feature. However, not all metrics are created equal. While some metrics provide deep insights into user behavior, growth, and overall success, others—known as vanity metrics—can be misleading and offer a false sense of accomplishment. Understanding the difference…

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Developing Product “Spidey” Sense: Real-World Examples for Product Managers

Product sense is an essential skill for any product manager. It involves understanding the user’s needs, the market landscape, and the strategic vision of the company. Developing this intuitive grasp of what makes a product successful requires a combination of analytical skills, creativity, and user empathy. Let’s explore how product managers from leading companies have…

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How Do Product-Led Teams Prioritize What to Work on Next?

Successful teams distinguish themselves by how effectively they prioritize their work. Product-led teams, in particular, excel by putting user needs and strategic product goals at the forefront of their decision-making process. “The value is in what gets used, not what gets built.” – Kris Gale Let’s explore how product-led teams prioritize their scope, supported by…

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Leveraging AI to Boost Your Productivity as a Product Manager

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, product managers play a crucial role in driving innovation and delivering value to customers. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), product managers have access to powerful tools and technologies that can significantly enhance their productivity and effectiveness in various aspects of their work. Let’s explore how product managers can…

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Bridging the Gap Between Good and Great Product Management

In the realm of product management, there exists a spectrum of proficiency that separates the good from the great. While good product managers can effectively deliver products that meet requirements and deadlines, great product managers possess a unique blend of skills, vision, and strategic thinking that propels their products to new heights of success. Let’s…

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Finding Product-Market Fit: A Startup’s Guide to Success

In the dynamic landscape of startups, few concepts hold as much weight and significance as finding product-market fit. It’s the pivotal moment when a startup’s offering resonates with its target audience to a degree where success becomes inevitable. However, achieving this elusive state is often challenging and requires a deep understanding of the market, constant…

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What is Technical Debt?

Technical debt is the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. Common causes of technical debt include: ongoing development, long series of product enhancements over time renders old solutions sub-optimal, insufficient up-front definition, where requirements are still being defined…

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Top Product Management Tools

📣 Tools for a Product Manager 📣 Finding the right tools for building a Product is a fundamental Product Management exercise.😓 Here are some some of the best on the market If you enjoyed this post, please share the love and subscribe to the Product Management Mastery newsletter for more content like this. Let’s Whenever…

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What is Agile Product Management?

Agile is a mindset that empowers organizations to constantly learn, experiment, gain feedback, inspect, and adapt the journey to delivering value to users. Agile is suitable for work that has inherent uncertainty in its scope. In other words, the value agile teams continuously define (or progressively elaborate on) to deliver (scope) to customers should be…

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Product Placement & Human Psychology

In 1936, psychologist Kurt Lewin wrote a simple equation that makes a powerful statement: Behavior is a function of the Person in their Environment, or B = ƒ(P,E). It didn’t take long for Lewin’s Equation to be tested in business. In 1952, the economist Hawkins Stern described a phenomenon he called suggestion Impulse Buying, which…

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Important Books for Product Leaders

Here are some of the best product books out there: Working Backwards Amp It Up The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team Competing Against Luck The Mom Test 7 Powers Understanding Michael Porter Never Split the Difference Thinking in Bets Are Your Lights On? Bonus: Alchemy Principles Hooked The Lean Startup Inspired Make Time High Output…

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On Remarkable Selling Points

Your product or business’s Remarkable Selling Point — or RSP is a point of differentiation that defines its unique position in the market place. In today’s day and age, providing functional value is simply not enough. Customers want functional value as well as emotional value. They want a memorable experience. Even a small point of…

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Product Management Decision Making

One difference between a good product manager and a great product manager is the ability to anticipate, measure, and weigh the probability of being RIGHT vs the probability of NOT being WRONG in decision making. If you enjoyed this post, please share the love and subscribe to our mailing list. Let’s Subscribe to our mailing…

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7 Failures to Avoid in Business Transformation for 2019

Competition is all around us. It is nature’s catalyst for growth, progress, and evolution. Each year, businesses self-reflect to see if they are playing the smart game – the game in which they can win, prosper and create further success-momentum. Most likely, the strategic and tactical decisions your company makes are rooted in some combination…

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Why Dogs Live Less Than Humans

A Dog’s Purpose…Here’s the surprising answer of a 6 year old child. “Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker…

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8 Ways to Build Trust in Your Organization

One of the biggest predictors of success or failure in work is the degree of TRUST in a team dynamic. Trust is associated with cooperation, information sharing, and effective problem resolution. A team without trust has difficulty establishing positive relationships, maintaining engagement, and has trouble collaborating. All of this, as you may have guessed, is…

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John Wooden’s Tips on Leadership & Success

“You never stand still. You’re either moving upward a little bit or you’re going the other way. We can’t expect to go upward too quickly, but we can sure go down very quickly…slide down and be in a hurry. Progress comes steady if you’re preparing yourself for that- if you’re giving the consideration of all…

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16 Body Language Secrets

Below are 16 body language secrets: Source: Aldis Kalnins If this post made you rethink your approach to living life in any way, please do others a service and SHARE the love.    Let’s  Read More @ Follow us on Facebook @ Exploration of Human Condition   Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email Address * First…

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The Eightfold Path To Nirvana

Nirvana is variously translated as “non-attachment,” “not-being” or literally “blowing out” (as of a candle). Nirvana can be described as “unborn, unoriginated, uncreated, and unformed” and transcending any sensory experience. It is an eternal and unchanging state of not-being and so the ultimate freedom from the suffering of existence, as postulated by Siddharta Gautama (Buddha), is caused by desire: namely craving for sensual pleasures and attachment to worldly possessions and power.

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Reading People Like You Have ESP

In her book, “How to Talk to Anyone,” Leil Lowndes reveals communication tricks that you can apply everyday to help you reach higher levels of ‘success’ in your relationships. Here’s one of my favorites… Reading People Like You Have Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) Hans, a very clever horse, inspires this technique. Hans was owned by Herr von Osten, a Berliner,…

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92 Little Tricks for BIG Success in Relationships

Have you ever met those “successful” people, who always seem to have
everything work their way? It’s like they have a bag of tricks, the Midas touch
or some special magic that works overtime they want it to. They are so
well-liked by others and have the ability to turn friendships into very
meaningful relationships, difficult client into profitable partnership,
customers into closed deals, jobs into promotions, and so on.

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Getting Lost in Thought

Do you ever sit in a room alone and think? Great people think deeply. And they do it often. In a routine… Blaise Pascal, the famous mathematician says, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”
Ponder that for a few minutes.
What if Pascal is right and that is truly the solution to the problems of civilization and the problems of your life?

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Caged, Comfortable, or Charged – Which is YOUR Life?

Brendon Burchard, author of “The Charge,” believes there are three kinds of life: caged, comfortable or charged. Depending on where we are along this spectrum of our lives, we’re going to have a different quality of life. If we’re on one side of the spectrum, we’re often miserable and suffering, struggling and upset all the time. Whereas, if we’re on the other side, we’re fully engaged, energized and enthusiastic. Knowing where we are on this spectrum can completely change our lives, because we can make a decision about what type of life we want to live.

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What If Everything You Believe Is A Lie?

When we go to grammar school, high school, and college, we acquire a lot of knowledge, but what do we really know? Do we master the truth? No, we master a language, a symbology, and that symbology is only the truth because we agree, not because it’s really the truth. Wherever we are born, whatever…

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Four Agreements You Make With Yourself

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom Be Impeccable With Your Word Speak with Integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. Don’t Take Anything Personally Nothing others do…

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Love in Retrospect

There are certain people you love who do something else for your life; they define how you classify what love is supposed to feel like. These are the most important people in your life, and you’ll meet maybe four or five of these people over the span of 80 years.
But there’s still one more tier in all of this; there is always one person you love who becomes that definition. It usually happens retrospectively, but it happens eventually.

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Religion & Happiness

Each individual must identify the type of happiness most important to him as well as the capacity of his own mental constitution to experience happiness. Religion reduces these variables by dictating a simple path to happiness. It thereby spares the masses of their individual neuroses.

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The Miracle of Language

Language is a miracle of the natural world because it allows us to exchange an unlimited number of ideas using a finite set of mental tools. Those mental tools comprise a large lexicon of memorized words and a powerful mental grammar that can combine them.

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Why We Do What We Do

Tony Robbins, author of Unlimited Power, Unleash the Power Within, and Awaken the Giant Within, postulates that there are six needs that drive us, as humans, to do the things that we do. 1. Certainty Everyone needs certainty that they can avoid pain and at least be comfortable. Now, how do you get it? Control everybody?…

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Putting Change Into Perspective

“Imagine a stack of 400 quarters. Each quarter represents 250 years of human culture, and the entire stack signifies the 100,000 years we’ve had organized human tribes. Take the top quarter off the stack. This one quarter represents how many years our society has revolved around factories and jobs and the world as we see…

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The Importance of Being Awe-Struck

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead…” – Albert Einstein Eminent psychologist Nicholas Humphrey has written of the biological advantage of being awe-struck. How fortuitous, he says, for a species to find its own ability to contemplate, to marvel at its own existence has…

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Dissonance In Our Biology

“The neocortex is responsible for rational and analytical thought and language.The middle two sections comprise the limbic brain. The limbic brain is responsible for all of our feelings, such as trust and loyalty. It is also responsible for all human behavior and all our decision-making, but it has no capacity for language. That is why…

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